菜の花フェスタ2015(Nanohana Festival in Nomi 2015)
会場では、美味しい〝菜の花寿司″や〝お好み焼き のみまる″〝丸いもコロッケ″
* 日 時 4月19日(日)午前10時~午後2時(雨天決行)
* 会 場 秋常山古墳群史跡公園と周辺施設内
* 持ち物(エコ協力) マイ箸・マイカップ・マイバッグ・スリッパ(施設内)
* 参加費 100円(環境協力金)(当日 集金)
* 集合場所 和田山駐車場 (シャトルバスで会場へ)
* 集合時刻 午前9時40分
◎集合時に 目印のバンダナを お貸し致します。
< 申込み,問合せ> NIFA事務局
Email :nifa@iki-iki-nomi.net
* 申込み〆切 4月15日(水)
Nanohana Festival in Nomi 2015
The Nomi International Friendship Association would like to
invite you to join us for a fun time at this year’s “Nanohana
Festival in Nomi”.
Come walk among the beautiful field mustard blossoms in the
area and enjoy delicious field mustard sushi and pork miso
soup (pork-free soup will also be served). Bring your friends
and family along with you as well!
No need to worry about transportation as rides to the event
will be available from JAIST!
* Day and time: Sunday, April 19, 10:00am~2:00pm
* Meeting time: 9:30am at the JAIST bus stop
* Cost : 100yen ( for Ecology )
* Event location: Akitsuneyama burial mound group
(sorry! parking will not be available at the event site)
* Send application to:
Yuko Hosotsubo: hosotsubo@arrow.ocn.ne.jp
* Please tell ①Name ②Gender ③Adult or Child ④Nationality
⑤If you need a ride ⑥Address ⑦Contact Phone Number
*Application deadline: Wednesday, April 15
*Things to bring: Chopsticks or fork Cup Bag Indoor slippers
<Festival Activities>
Place :Inside the local gymnasium
(indoor slippers will be required)
★Enjoy the bright yellow field mustard blossoms growing in
the area.
Feel free to take pictures!
★Food Corner:All sorts of Japanese and Nomi specialties
will be prepared
Sushi, Okonomiyaki, Icecream etc.(prices 200~400yen)
★Ancient times simulation corner:learn how to light a fire,
make bead accessories and see what kinds of clothes people wore
in ancient times.
★Entertainment:Hula, Performance of Monster Gano in Nomi etc.